Friday 11 April 2014

What Are Induction Pots And Pans?

As the basic principles behind cooking, taking some raw food and heating it over an electric or gas hob, are fairly basic and fairly effective, there haven’t been many advancements or innovations in the basic mechanics of cooking for some time. Until now that is. The invention that has got the culinary world a flutter is the induction cooker, a fantastic alternative to traditional gas and electric ovens that can cook your food safely and easily in moments.

What is induction cooking?

Induction cooking works by creating a magnetic field between the pot and the magnetic coils beneath the cooking surface. This causes heat to be inducted into the cooking vessel, heating the food quickly and efficiently. Though the food inside the pan will begin to heat up as soon as the induction cooker is turned on, the surface around the hob will remain cool, making induction cookers a much safer alternative to gas and electric cookers.

Will any frying pan or saucepan work with an induction cooker?

As induction cookers work by creating a magnetic field, only pots and pans that contain ferromagnetic materials will work with an Induction Cookware. This means that the pots and pans must contain cast iron, enamel cast iron or another type of magnetic material. Most stainless steel cookware will also be compatible with induction cookers. If you’re unsure whether or not your pot or pan is compatible, simply hold a magnet to the bottom of the pan to see if it has magnetic properties. Many manufacturers are now placing symbols on their induction pots and pans to let customers know if they are induction compatible, making it easier to work out which Pots And Pans you need.

Copper, glass and aluminium pots and pans aren’t compatible with induction cookers, but you should be able to use induction discs to heat the pan and its contents. These discs sit between the pan and the cooker, inducting the heat and warming your food. A big benefit of induction cookers is that, as the surface won’t heat up, the areas not being used to cook food can be used for preparation, giving you valuable extra surface space and a more flexible kitchen. By investing in Induction Pots And Pans today, you can ensure that your cookware will still be relevant and useful in the future, not matter what innovations or inventions come along.


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